14th September 1956
The Club Tiberius Casiono was situated in the cellar area below Neros.
There is one note in the Portsmouth Evening News dated May 5th 1956
"In the Savoy Ballroom building, the Southsea Aquarium has a new monkey section, plus Sylvia and her almost human chimpanzees."
For several summer season around this time, this area was given over to an aquarium that was open to the puiblic.
Then for a time this part of the building was a Penny Arcade, with many slot machines.
But that was changed when Pleasurama took over the building and this area became Club Tiberius
Terry Smith in the back, jeff Blaber and John and even Gloria, Pauleen Reece and Mary Lynch shared a flat in London Mike Allison in the suit also
Patricia Tegg, Richard, Jane, Gloria,Terry, Roland (RIP), Ron, Tony, ?, Roger, Pauline,Debbie, Lyn, Patsy, Caroline, Joanne, Cherry, Mike, Geoff, John, Razo, Nan, and Dave the barman.

From the left is Mike McGlead,???, Steve Taylor at the back, Tony Worrall in front of him, Gary Hume, Larry Green (at the back with glasses), Carl Pomeroy(1st chef),??? 2nd chef on end,
R/L Middle row, Noel Murphy, Patrick Cunningham, Wayne Edwards,
Front row R/L,???, Ingrid Brooker, Kim Goble, Tracey Carter, Claire (Pud) Maynard.

Photos now thanks to Catherine Gordon

Tony xx Jax and Patrick — at Tiberius Casino.

Jax and Malcolm — at Tiberius Casino.

Teresa xx Sue, Jax, Alison, Catherine, Gary, Neil, Mark, Teresa and Jane — at Tiberius Casino.

Jane, Ingrid, Jax, Nigel (Squirrel Paws), Sue? and Lyn — at Tiberius Casino.

Hallowe'en (no really!) Jane, Jax and Teresa — at Tiberius Casino.
On a night out in Peggy Sues

Ian, James and Geraldine

Jane, billy and jacks also Tony and Geraldine

Anna Lisa and Geraldine