Portsmouth music scene

The Theatre Royal

Posters, plus
These were posters on sale recently at an auction house hence the strange grab shapes and the whole lot sold for over £300.
All appear to be from the 1950's but the date year was never included on the poster.

poster1 poster1
poster1 poster1
poster1 poster1
poster1 poster1
poster1 poster1
poster1 poster1
edna1 royalaaa royalbbb
lynn1 pidd1 miller1
oliver1x riley1
img157 leelawrence
1953 radio party leelawrence
peers0x peers34 peers55
bygraves cotton nichols
moulin gladys harryr
laugh levis secombe
madhatter together warriss
nitwits laurelh thomas
deepriver dhughes < dhughes2
fhowerd frinton vancouver
issybonnn issybon lesters

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