Portsmouth music scene

The Portsmouth Music Scene

The Dave Pearson Big Band Jazz Orchestra

The 39th year of the band

The Band plays regularly at the Blue Lagoon, Hilsea Lido, Portsmouth. More details can be found on their web page.

Link to their page http://bborch.org.uk/

AC=Adrian Cliffe, AF=Alan Flood, AH=Andy Hooley, AS=Andy Stancliffe piano, AU= Andy Urquart tenor, BH=Bob Hemmings trump, BJ=Ben James, BW=Brian White tenor, CB=Cliff Bevan, CBlack= Chris Black CBrown=Cliff Brown, CC=Colin Campbell tenor, CH=Craig Henderson tenor, CP=Chris Paradine, Piano, DB=Dave Brown, vocals/bongos, DC=Dave Clacket tenor, DH=Dan Harris, DK=Duncan Knight tenor, DW=Duggie Wheeler, DWales=David Wales bari, ES=Elliott Starnd, HL=Hugh Llewellyn, HM=Helen McDonald, HT=Hew Terry, HW=Hugh Williams, IK=Ian Kingshott, IL=Ian Luxford, IW=Ian Webber, JA=Josie Ann, JM=Jock McKenzie, JH=John Hammond drums, JHill=John Hill, JL Jill langford, JY=Johnathan Yates, JZ= Jan Zawada trump/flugal, KJ=Kenny Jukes, LB=Louise Boyer tenor, MC=Matt Carless, MartinC=Martin Chapman, MCarey=Mike Carey piano, MD=Maurice Deans, MI=Mike Innes, MP=Malcolm Parrot bass, MR=Mike Robinson, MS=Max Shoen, PD=Paul Daff tenor, PH=Pete Hills RD=Rob Douglas, RE=Rick Eastman tenor, RH=Roger Hammond, RH=Russell Howarth, SC=Sam Crooks, SH=Stan Hyam, SHat=Steve Hatfield, SJ-Steve Jones, SP=Steve Parrot drums, SR=Shirley Rogers, ST=STitchner, ST=Syd Tanner, SteveT=Steve Taylor, TC=Tony Carter, TCox=Tony Cox, TD=Tony Day, TF= Terry Flynn, vibes, TH=Tony Halliday, TP=Terry Porter , TParr+Tony Parr , TW=Ted Whealing,


2018 January 28th Strike up the band (CH), Here's that rainy day (CC), Girlfriend of Sigmund Freud (IW, CP, PD), Chase it brother (CH and PD), Song for my daughter (AF flugal), On Green Dolphin Street (CP and IW), But Beautiful (CC), This is always (JZ). Killer Joe (CH, CP, IW), I left my heart on San Francisco, Midnight Sun (LB bari), Tenor each way (CH and PD), Lonesome Road, I remember you, Memories of you (AF and JZ), Woodchopper's Ball (CC), Apple honey (CP and CC clari). Louise Boyer on Baritone
2018 February 11th You and the night and the music (PD), Don't be that way (CC), What's new? (AF), Where or when, Sweet Georgia Brown (CP & PD), Love for sale (PD & CP), Midnight Sun (LB), I remember you (CC), You made me love you (JZ). Killer Joe (LB, CP, IW, AC), My funny valentine, Mas que nada (LB), Angel Eyes (PD), I remember Stan (CP & IW flugal), Begin the beguine, Apple honey (PD AC, CC clari), Fanfare for the Common Man (PD).
2018 February 25th You and the night and the music, I'll never be the same (JZ)flase start, I'll never be the same (JZ), You're gonna try harder (IW flugal), Spring can really hang you out (PD JH IW flugal), Sweetheart of Sigmund Freud, Watermelon Man (LB ST AC), What's new? (AF). This could be the start of something big (IL), Intermission Riff (ST), End of a love affair (PD), Killer Joe (LB IW), My old flame (IL JZ), Da hood (CP), Salute to Stan (ST AC).
2018 March 18th You and the night and the music, You're gonna try harder (IW, ST), Monday's child (AF flugal), Where or when (IW flugal), Stella by startlight, Flight of the Foo Birds, Send in the clowns (IW flugal), This is always (JZ). Make love not war (by the trio CP JH MP), Begin and beguine, End of a love affair (CH), Killer Joe (LB, ST, CP, IW flugal, MC), How insensative (IW, ST, IL), But Beautiful (CH), I remember you (CH, IW), Here comes the bull (JH). Snow keep people away
2018 April 8th Undecided, Opus in Blue, Chase it brother (CH & PD), Wave (CC & IW flugal), Stompin' at the Savoy, Doin' Basie's thing (CH & IW), Sometime soon (CC arranged), Stars fell on Aabama (AF & JZ). This could be the start of something big (CH), Song for my daughter (IW flugal), Tenor each way (PD & CH), African Waltz, Lonesome Road, (IL, AC, PJ), Invitation, Since I fell for you (LB), Mas que nada (LB), Apple Honey (CC clari, CH, CP, IL). Opus in Blue Tony Day coposition, Sometime soon Colin Campbell compositon.
2018 April 22nd Londonderry Aire, Splanky (CC, AH, IW, CP), Switch in time (AC), Star eyes (IW, ST), Speak low (IW, AH), Bill Bailey, Moving Day (AC, PC), A foggy day (LB, IW flugal), Watch what happens (DB, IW flugal), Stars fell on Alabama (JZ, AF). Puttin on the Ritz (CC clari, JH), After the loving (CC, CP), OK with Jay (LB bari), Day in Day out (DB), New York (DB), Send in the clowns (IW flugal), Dream of the return (AC), I can see clearly now, Mack the knife (IW, MC, CC clari). trumpets;- Arty Chapman, Ian Webber, Alan Flood, Jan Zawada.
trombones;- Adrian Clift, Matt Carless, Ian Luxford, Pete Jones.
saxes Steve Taylor, Andy Hooley, Colin Campbel, Louise Boyer.
Mike Robinson bass, John Hammond drums, Chris Paradine piano, Dave Brown bongos and vocals.
2018 May 6th You and the night and the music, Stompin' at te Savoy, Where is the love (KJ flugal), Chase it brpother (CF, PD), My kind of girl (DB), Come dance with me (DB), Intermission Riff, Chicago theme (PD flute), Song for my daughter (AF). Killer Joe, Margarite (KJ, CF), Since I fel for you (LB), Tenor each way (CF, PD), Mack the knife (DB), Chicago (DB), Whos a bossa (IW flugal), A foggy day (DWales bari, IW flugal) Salute to Stan (PD). Where is the love, played by KJ without dots. MR bass. JZ, MP, CP, not present.
2018 May 27th September Song, You're gonna try harder (ST, IW), PD soprano sax, When October comes (AF, IL), Best Coast (PD sop, IL), Begin the beguine (unknown dep on drums), The end of a love affair (PD), How Insesative (IW, ST), Where and when (IW), Memories of you (AF, JZ). Strike up the band (Chris Black drums), I remember you (PD, IW, CBlack), China Town Theme (CP, PD clari, JH, aborted after 30 seconds because of no solo trombone part), I remember Stan (CP, IW), Love for sale (CP, IW, JH), OK with Jay (LB bari), Killer Joe (PD, ST, IW, IL, CP), Stella by Starlight (ST), Chicago Theme, Apple Honey (ST, IL, CP, PD clari), Here comes the bull (JH). Dan Harris sax, Kenny Dukes trumpet, Nigel ? trombone, John McKenzie trumpet.

2018 September 16th September song (CH), Switch in time (IL tromb), Don’t be that way (CC), Chase it brother (CH, PD), I’ll never be the same (IW), Where or when (IW), But Beautiful (CC), A Foggy day (IL, IW flugal), Since I don’t have you (LB).Trio plays first song, You and the night and the music (IW, CH), 9.20 special (AF, CH), I remember you, Tenor each way (PD, CH), Make the knife (IW), Killer Joe (LB, PD, MCarey, IW, AC, Jordan), Sweet Georgia Brown (CH), West Coast (CH, AC, PD flute), Woodchopper’s Ball (LB, IW). Mike Carey piano, Dick Parrott & Nich Finch trumpets, Jordan? Trumpet.
2018 September 30th Undecided, Stompin' at the Savoy, Switch in time, Mas, que nada, Best Coast, Lets face the music (DB), If they asked me I could write a book (DB), Stella by Starlight, Bill (JZ, AF). Begin te beguine, Love for sale, Salute to Stan (CP), How Insensative, Watch what happens (DB), Mack the knife (DB), Midnight sun never sets (LB), Killer Joe, Artistry jumps.
2018 October 14th Bill Bailey, Invitation, You're gonna try harder (PD, CP, IW flugal), Who's the bossa (JM), Flight of the foo birds (DWales, IW, CP), I've found a new baby (JM, PD), On Green Dolphin Street (CP, IW) This is always (JZ) Killer Joe (DWales, PD, CP, IW), Switch in time (AC, CP), My old flame (JZ, PF, IW flugal)), You and the night and the music (IW flugal, PD), After the loving (CC), Angel Eyes (PD), Apple Honey (PD, JZ, CP, CC clari). Jock McKenzie, Steve Hatfield, Dan Harris, Pete Hill?
2018 October 28th Strike up the band, (IW, PH, CP), Groovin' hard (DH, CP, LB), Londonderry Air (5 flugals), Star Eyes (IW, DH), Dream of the return (AC, JZ), Do nothin til you hear from me (aka Concerto for Cootie) (JZ), Moving day (AC, MI). Embracable you (5 flugals), Jump for joy (IW flugal), Short stop (DH, IW), Lift Off (PH, DWales), Send in the clowns (IW flugal), I can see clearly now, Mak the knife (IW), Here comes the bull (JH). AC, IL, MI, SJ, JM, SHat, IW, AF, JZ, DWales, JA, LB, PH, DH, MP, JH, CP. CC was taken ill and was unavailable.
2018 November 18th I got you under my skin, Here's that rainy day, Stars fell on Alabama (SH), Green Dolphin Street (CP, IW), You're gonna try harder (CP, PD, AC), Jump for Joe (AC, ES), Bangers and mash and peas (AC), Chicago Theme (PD flute), Lonely Street (LB). The Trio played, You and the night and the muisc (IW, PD), Sweet and Lovely (PD), Love for sale (JH, CP, PD), Killer Joe (DWales, LB, PH, IW,. AC), Apple honey (PD, AC, CP). Tributes paid to former trumpeter Bob Hemming. New faces Elliott Strand, Pete Barratt.
2018 December 2nd In a mellow mood (PD, CP, AC), Don't be that way (CC clari, AC), Trombone Bananza (MC), You're gonna try (ST, PD, CP), Wave (IW), I found a new baby (PD), Since I fell for you (LB), Memories of you (JZ, AF). I remember you (IW flugal), Monday's Child (AF flugal), Angel Eyeys (PD), Send in the clowns, I left my heart in San Fransico (CC arr), Hard Hearted Hannah (CP), Sky Liner, Dreamsville (JZ fluga, CC, 5 flugals), Salute to Stan (PD, AC).
2018 December 16th You and the night and the music (IW, PD), I found a new baby (IW, ST), You're gonna try (PD, ST), Who can I turn to? (PD, ST), Where or when (IW), Come dance with me (DB), It's alright with me (DB), Night Flight (PD, CP, IW flugal), Sing sing sing. St Louis Blues march, I remember Stan (IW), Sweet Georgia Brown (CP, PD), Since I fell for you (LB), Killer Joe (PH, ST, IW flugal, CP, MI), Here's to life (DB), Bad bad Leroy Brown (DB), Bill (AF, JZ), Skyliner (PD, CP).

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